

We have been told all our lives that God/Source is separate from us,

through societal programming in the third dimension as movies, religion,
culture, and family. Which in turn programmed within us when we began to
awaken, that our Higher Self was separate from us, as well. Making us believe
that we were separated from our Higher Self, just as we thought we were
disconnected from God when we were unawaken. Both the Higher Self and Source exist within us, as we are a spark of the Higher Self. Our Higher Self is our
consciousness or subconscious, that little voice that has been guiding us all our lives, that we forget to listen to, and at times we get into trouble for not listening to it.

As children we are not responsible for the programming we received, however as adults it is our responsibility to unlearn what we have learned and discover the real truth. It is my goal to awaken and activate others by deconstructing the programming. Expose others to different modalities of healing arts and education of ancient beliefs. Helping others realize who they are. helping others to connect with their higher selves and realize the God or Goddess dwells within us all. To reveal to the collective, source and the laws of one. To help others realize that we are self-healing. To help others to walk a path of beauty and love. When we heal ourselves, we heal our ancestors and future generations.