About Raven and her Mission

     I came from a medicine family. My great- great grandmother  was a medicine woman who healed with herbs and sometimes stones or crystals. But mostly she was known for hands-on healings, which is the majority of our medicine. In our family our medicine was passed down from grandmother to granddaughter. My Grandmother  taught and passed the Family medicine to me.  

 In the spring of 1999, I became a Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher.

From 1999 to 2011 I studied shamanic practices under 3 different medicine men from 3 different tribes.




2019 to 2020 Employed at Tranquil Touch spa Fort Wayne Indiana. Duties Reiki Master/Shamanic Practitioner Performing energy healing sessions and guided meditations.

2022 I became certified in clinical hypnotherapy. Helping others stop smoking, losing weight, working with anxiety etc....

2022 I became certified with A.U.R.A. Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy (A.U.R.A.) is a beautiful hypnosis technique that connects you to your Higher Self, that part of you that knows everything about you. Through the THETA brainwave, A.U.R.A. allows you to travel safely to your past, present, or future now to receive healing and answers to your most personal questions.  This past life regression technique was created through love by Aurora at Rising Phoenix Mystery School.  Energy work is received along with divine shielding of the client and practitioner before each session. This is essential before a past life regression session is conducted. The combination of Sacred Angelic Energy Work creates a bridge for you to connect to your Higher Self. This is the difference from other regression techniques. The key being the energy work is done before the Hypnosis induction begins. Through this form of Hypnosis Healing, past life regression, one can safely observe the experiences that are causing pain, trauma or any other negative feelings and emotions. After at least three past lives the client should be under quite deeply. At that time the higher self can choose an Arch angel, divine mother/father, ascended master or deities of their choice to complete a complete body scan including chakras the entire inner body and auric fields. It is important for us to find the roots or blockages as this is how we heal. The use of Sacred Alchemy in combination with our Higher Selves, the aid of the Angelicas, allows us remembrance of who we truly are.

List of Things that at times can be self-healed through Body Scan: blocked or misaligned chakras, issues with auric field, negative cords, removal of negative contracts, and traumas from current or past life.

Clients at times are able to begin the self-healing process and expand spiritual gifts... 

​Illnesses are energy imbalances and blockages that have manifested within. Our body tries to speak to us 


Once these inversions are released, the body is then able to reach the high enough vibration to begin its journey of self-healing. Allowing an infinite flow of the client's organic Love-Light to once again freely channel through the vessel, transforming the body back into its original, organic, pure, soul blueprint. In turn, self-heal oneself.

Sessions are recorded and sent to the client.


April 16th, 2023, I became certified with R.A.A.H - REIKI ANGELIC ALCHEMY HEALING 

  Angelica’s , Ascended Masters of creation and Aurora Quezada  have developed a technique that is called R.A.A.H. Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing. By incorporating practices of Angelic Alchemy, the potential of the deepest healing allowed have been greatly increased. Reiki Angelic Alchemy is a term given to the practice which integrates the use of ancient and sacred alchemy with energy work. Its use creates a deeper connection to higher realms when performing the healings. It is a sister to A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Past Life Regression, which is listed here as a service, however with no hypnosis conducted. 

R.A.A.H Reiki to heal from: Damages from all types of vaccines, A.I., illnesses, disease, vision, DNA repair, blocked or misaligned chakras, issues with auric field, negative cords, negative implants, hooks, portals, removal of entities, fragmented soul, removal of negative contracts, and traumas from current or past life.

A sister to the AURA regression modality with the exception of the hypnosis state! 

​ Angelica’s , Ascended Masters of creation and Aurora Quezada have developed a technique that is called R.A.A.H. Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing. By incorporating practices of Angelic Alchemy, the potential of the deepest healing allowed has been greatly increased. Reiki Angelic Alchemy is a term given to the practice which integrates the use of ancient and sacred alchemy with energy work. Its use creates a deeper connection to higher realms when performing the healings. It is a sister to A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Past Life Regression, which is listed here as a service, however with no hypnosis conducted.

*** R.A.A.H. Reiki for Children ***

From newborn to late teens this healing modality has helped to cleanse and heal children from all of what is mentioned for adults especially focusing on fears, nightmares, entity attacks, digestion, anxiety, focus and other unique areas of healing. Parents are required to be in the room for this online healing session.

Sessions are recorded and sent to the client.


*** R.A.A.H. Reiki for Healing Animals and Birds ***

Please note this healing modality is exactly the same if performed on humans as well as their pet companions (ANIMALS & BIRDS) alike. It is as detailed for our pet companions as for us. If you are looking for a pet, please drop me a note about them. This modality has brought powerful results for many pets. The meeting will be online face to face but after meeting them and connecting with them, they are free to move around as they like. This healing will also be recorded so you can play it back for them, when needed. 

Sessions are recorded and sent to the client.



 I am working on certifications in channeling and Akashic readings. I will be adding this soon

My Mission:

We have been told all our lives that God/Source is separate from us,

through societal programming in the third dimension as movies, religion,

culture, and family. Which in turn programmed within us when we began to

awaken, that our Higher Self was separate from us, as well. Making us believe

that we were separated from our Higher Self, just as we thought we were

disconnected from God when we were unawaken. Both the Higher Self and Source

exist within us, as we are a spark of the Higher Self. Our Higher Self is our

consciousness, that little voice that has been guiding us all our lives, that

we forget to listen to, and at times we get into trouble for not listening to it.

It is my mission to help others reconnect with their higher self and to help
others learn self-healing.