Once Upon a Time long Long ago

While all the humans on earth were fast asleep.

The Dark Forces created a spell and a dense fog that covered the entire earth. That was the night that everything changed. As the sun rose in the morning, so did all the humans. Even though they all seemed to be awake with their eyes open walking and talking, without their knowledge the dense fog remained. They no longer had any memories of who they were or where they came from and could no longer communicate with the animals and benevolent creatures of earth.

The dark forces kept the humans under the spell of fog.

Hundreds of years passed as humans evolved, they only knew their history from the beginning of the fog. The spell was so powerful that they did not realize they had become
slaves to the dark forces. Ever Since that night there has been a war going on between the forces of light and the dark forces. The benevolent warriors of light the Archangels Ascended Masters battle to save the souls and memories of the humans from earth. The fog that has plagued the earth and kept the sleeping slaves is now lifting.

Welcome to the GREAT

As you awaken you may be asking why have you been born upon Earth, into this particular family, what is the origin of your soul, what causes the play of events in your life? With the aid of the angelicas and guides, I am here to ​be of assistance to those that are ready to let go of vibrations that no longer serve their purpose, as well as release energies that keep them dense and stagnate the progress of their soul! Are you ready to ready to expand your consciousness by journeying through a process of forgiveness, healing, and
liberation. Healing and letting go of past or current life karmas emotions, sufferings, addictions, soul contracts, energy blockages, removal of entities, retrieval of soul fragments...the list is infinite. Should you choose to enter the world of self-healing, enhancing spiritual gifts, being in touch with the God/Goddess within. This is the beginning of a new journey.

Ravens Healing Arts

has a number of healing modalities that will aid you in this journey. Feel free to browse around and find the modality that most resonates with you. Please feel free to book a 15-minute zoom call for any questions you may have. It is my honor to assist you.


Donna Raven Long ( AKA Raven )