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With the aid of the Angelic's and Ascended Masters of creation, Rising Phoenix Mystery School has developed a technique that is called R.A.A.H. Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing. By incorporating practices of Angelic Alchemy, the potential of the deepest healing allowed have been greatly increased. Reiki Angelic Alchemy is a term given to the practice which integrates the use of ancient and sacred alchemy with energy work. Its use creates a deeper connection to higher realms when performing the healings. It is a sister to A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Past Life Regression, which is listed here as a service, however with no hypnosis conducted.

R.A.A.H Reiki to heal from:  blocked or misaligned chakras,( energy centers) issues with auric field, negative cords, removal of negative contracts, and traumas from current or past life.

A sister to the AURA regression modality with the exception of the hypnosis state! 

 This is preformed online through Zoom please download it prior. Test the camera, mic settings, and make sure your device is fully charged. )

When booking a session pleas read 

13 Ways To Prepare For An A.U.R.A or R.A.A.H Session

​With the aid of the Angelica's and Ascended Masters of creation, Rising Phoenix Mystery School has developed a technique that is called R.A.A.H. Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing. By incorporating practices of Angelic Alchemy, the potential of the deepest healing allowed has been greatly increased. Reiki Angelic Alchemy is a term given to the practice which integrates the use of ancient and sacred alchemy with energy work. Its use creates a deeper connection to higher realms when performing the healings. It is a sister to A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Past Life Regression, which is listed here as a service, however with no hypnosis conducted.

*** R.A.A.H. Reiki for Children ***

From newborn to late teens this healing modality has helped to cleanse and heal children from all of what is mentioned for adults especially focusing on fears, nightmares, entity attacks, digestion, anxiety, focus and other unique areas of healing. Parents are required to be in the room for this online healing session.

*** R.A.A.H. Reiki for Healing Animals and Birds ***

Please note this healing modality is exactly the same if performed on humans as well as their pet companions (ANIMALS & BIRDS) alike. It is as detailed for our pet companions as for us. If you are booking for your pet please drop me a note about them. This modality has brought powerful results for many pets. The meeting will be online face to face but after meeting them and connecting with them, they are free to move around as they like. This healing will also be recorded so you can play it back for them, when needed. 

R.A.A.H. Reiki Healing detailed description. 

Many experience blockages of energy that do not allow a deep enough connection to their Higher Self during meditation, dreamtime, and throughout their spiritual development. During the R.A.A.H. Reiki Healing session and with the Higher Selves permission, negative energies that do not serve you for your highest good are removed. The combination of the Sacred Angelic Alchemy energy work creates a bridge for the clients to begin connecting stronger to their Higher Self.

    ~ 1.5 to 2 hrs. a session

    ~ Recorded Online Session 

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